Welcome to BFD Online Education Year – 2024

Group 5 Play Video

Welcome to the BFD education calendar for 2024. In this free special event we will be covering

  1. what is new in the calendar,
  2. Resdeisgned website with all new content
  3. Upcoming face to face sessions
  4. New MBS zoom sessions for our rural practioners

This event is designed to provide you with valuable insights and knowledge in just one hour. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this event is perfect for anyone interested in learning and expanding their horizons.

During this event, you will have the opportunity to engage with industry experts and like-minded individuals. Discover new ideas, gain practical skills, and network with professionals in your field.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your knowledge and connect with a community of passionate individuals. Register now to secure your spot!



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