A key tool for learning and understanding the MBS is know where to find item numbers within the schedule. The grouping of particular item numbers also allows you to apply rules that effect a particular category. It also allows you to understand the application of the overriding rules of the MBS and their importance in deciphering the correct use and application of the schedule.
Step 1: Complete the pre-learning activity
Step 2: Read educational material “Introduction to Medicare”found in the dropbox folder
Step 3: Watch the video–Introduction to the MBS (11min 30 seconds)
Step 4: Read educational material “Course Notes Post Video” found in the dropbox folder
Step 5: Complete post-activity exercise
Step 6: Compare your scores and answers from pre and post activities as a reinforcing activity
Step 7: Complete the workshop feedback evaluation
Step 8: Email admin@businessfordoctors.comwith your pre and post quiz scores and notify feedback complete. Please note: All components of the activity must be completed to receive your participation certificate and CPD points.
If you wish to report any aspects of this accredited activity to RACGP then please complete the GP Feedback Form which can be downloaded below and submit to RACGP.
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For permission requests, write to
Business for Doctors Pty Ltd
Level 35, One International Towers,
Barangaroo Avenue
Sydney, NSW 200
Material used in these learning modules that has been reproduced from the Medicare Benefits Schedule has been done so with written permission. These extracts are not to be copied from the learning material provided when accessing the online learning module