Genetic Carrier Testing and PSA Pathology Changes (FREE)

Group 5 Play Video

Sponsored by Clinipath WA

From November 1st we will see a lot of new changes in the MBS affecting genetic carrier testing and PSA pathology. It’s important that all GPs are up to date with these changes and know how to best communicate this with patients.


Dr April Armstrong is the Founder and Director of Business for Doctors and has been providing MBS education since 2017. She has presented at over 300 workshops, seminars, and conferences. April is a Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine with an academic AST and currently studying for her Masters at UNSW with plans to do a PhD in Medical Education. She continues to work as a locum General Practitioner as well as having her own practice in Western Australia. As a mentor to medical practitioners, practice managers and nurses who have become MBS tutors she continues to be passionate about the “Business of Medicine” and provides regular updates on MBS changes via social media.

Dr Rachel Dennis is a Chemical Pathology Registrar at Clinipath to present. She will join us to present on the PSA changes from November 1st.

Dr Marina Berbic is the Deputy Director of Genetics, Genetic Pathologist at Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology and will be presenting on the pathology changes this month.



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